Every day I look at Craigslist and peruse the "free" page under the "for sale" category. Usually there is the normal stuff that I don't want like mattresses or tube televisions. Sometimes there are funny posts like this one advertising free snow. Every so often there is a gem nearby.
A couple of weeks ago I got lucky. Someone posted that they had left a bag of books outside for free. It was only a block away! I immediately marched to the address and snagged some great books:
I have wanted to read that Bruce Campbell autobiography for years. The books were all in great condition. The ones I didn't want, like the old Photoshop books, I donated to the local library for their free cart.
If you haven't looked at Craigslist's free page I definitely recommend it. It is fun to read and sometimes you might actually get something you want.
A couple of weeks ago I got lucky. Someone posted that they had left a bag of books outside for free. It was only a block away! I immediately marched to the address and snagged some great books:
I have wanted to read that Bruce Campbell autobiography for years. The books were all in great condition. The ones I didn't want, like the old Photoshop books, I donated to the local library for their free cart.
If you haven't looked at Craigslist's free page I definitely recommend it. It is fun to read and sometimes you might actually get something you want.